STANDARD CASE FAN: 92x92x25 mm 90mm pc computer case fan at 12V 0.15A 2 wire 3 pin 2000RPM 32 CFM low noise 33dB(A) fan for incubator.
EASY 2 WIRE 3-PIN CONNECTOR: 92mm 2 Wire 3Pin 2510 connector external electronics fan with connection protection,easy installation even wrong connected,the fan will not burn but just not work.
12V 7V DC:90mm 92mm pc fans’speed can be adjusted by using a different voltage (7-12V)to get different airflow and noise level.
STANDARD CASE FAN: 92x92x25 mm 90mm pc computer case fan at 12V 0.15A 2 wire 3 pin 2000RPM 32 CFM low noise 33dB(A) fan for incubator.
EASY 2 WIRE 3-PIN CONNECTOR: 92mm 2 Wire 3Pin 2510 connector external electronics fan with connection protection,easy installation even wrong connected,the fan will not burn but just not work.
12V 7V DC:90mm 92mm pc fans’speed can be adjusted by using a different voltage (7-12V)to get different airflow and noise level.
SLEEVE BEARING: 12v thermostat fan sleeve bearing up to <40000hRS,makes sure the required cooling and minimizes the vibration. It can be used for gpu hard drive cooler,12v cooler replacement fan nor cold fridge fan and other electrics cooling.
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